Why Having Broken Links is so Bad for SEO

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Why Having Broken Links is so Bad for SEO

11/14/2024 12:00 AM by SEOHaste in Seo

Broken links on your website can damage your reputation and cause your search engine rating to drop. Have you ever gone to a website and discovered a broken link? If you have, you understand how aggravating it is to be interested in what they are saying and then click on a link to learn more only to discover that the link is broken.

When a link is broken, it creates an issue. Imagine your website as a city, with someone driving through it and following your directions until they reach a dead end. Now that individual is lost, and the directions you gave them have irritated them. Do you believe they'll ask you for directions again? No, that is not the case.

When you utilize a broken link checker, you can ensure that all of your links are working, and when you give directions or links to a website, you can be sure that the visitor will find the information they need.

If you're an affiliate marketer, you're probably using affiliate links to link to various products. You will lose commission if your affiliate link is broken or dead. You'll miss out on possible sales if the link isn't updated or repaired. This is why investing in a decent broken link checker is a good idea.

Why Shouldn't Your Website or Blog Have Broken Links?

Broken links can be a quick way for a potential customer or visitor to quit your website if you run a website or blog. Broken links can cause a slew of issues, including poorer search engine rankings and fewer visitors.

When search engine crawlers crawl your site, broken links might cause problems. If you're attempting to rank well on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others, this can be disastrous. When search bots encounter broken links, they are unable to effectively index your site. This is why you should check your site for them regularly and fix them as soon as possible.

Understand the main thing

Another reason is the time it takes for a visitor to find your page when they search for it. If a visitor types in a term for a page on your blog or website, for example, the search robot will find it. If your link is clean, the visitor will be able to see it much faster. A disabled link slows down the process, making it a lose-lose situation. The visitor may choose to go on to the next entry rather than wait.

Broken links have an impact on your site's ranking as well. A large majority of them result in a negative visitor experience, which is Google's current priority when ranking websites. This is also aggravating to a visitor who rapidly grows bored of being directed to dead ends and having to hit the back button. If you have too many, the visitor will depart and your site will be forgotten.

This is why it's critical to maintain your site and use redirects correctly. You must ensure that internal links do not lead to pages that are no longer available or have been removed. The faster your site loads, the higher your rating will be, and the more visitors will return.

Broken links should be checked daily, especially on new web pages or blogs. This includes looking at links that are more than a year old. If you link to another blog or website, check to see if the link is still active. Your care in preventing a broken link can help you avoid a bigger problem down the road. The internet's fast-paced nature necessitates this level of attention to detail. Keeping track of broken links can make a big impact on your site's performance, especially if you're looking to increase traffic in the near future.

Checking Your Website For Broken Links

If you've had your site up and running for a while, or if you've made some changes to it, it's definitely time to look for some broken links. Pages are moved around, replaced by others, or eliminated entirely, resulting in broken links on your site.

So, let's go to work on checking things out before the list of broken links becomes too large to handle.

Broken internal links

Please check your site for broken links on a frequent basis; first and foremost, I'm referring to internal connections on your site. One of my pet peeves is perusing a website, clicking a link, and then discovering the page I wanted is no longer available. That is extremely aggravating. Please double-check your website for broken links.

If you're not sure how to accomplish it, let me assist you; it's only fair because I'm the one making the request. Don't worry, I'm not going to make you click on every link on your site to ensure it's operational. That would be an extremely time-consuming task. Let me teach you a few skills.

A Firefox extension named "Link Evaluator" will check all of the links on each page of your site in one go. You must still visit every page on your site, but the good news is that it will verify all of the links on each page for you, saving you the time of having to manually click each one.

Another approach is to utilize a free or paid spidering tool that will examine all of your site's links with a single request. I don't use a spidering tool and instead use the Firefox extension, thus I can't recommend one over the other. Simply searching for a "spidering tool" on the internet will overwhelm you with a number of results. Choose the option that best matches your budget and appeals to you.

Look for any incoming links that aren't working.

Now we'll check for links connecting to your site from other people's sites. As you are probably aware, incoming links aid in your site's search engine rating, thus you should approach all incoming links with caution.

Do a Yahoo search (as Google's listing for this isn't as good) to see what sites have pages indexed with links leading to your site. Simply type "link:" in front of your domain name to find your site. (For example, here's the whole URL to your website, including the HTTP, etc.) Simply add the rest of the address to the link request to look for links to a specific page.

Go through each of these results and look for your link on their page; just because it's in the Yahoo index doesn't imply it's still live. If your link is missing, contact the site owner and politely request a link to your site; they should be willing to do so because they previously had one.

That concludes this exercise; however, just because all of your links are operational again does not mean that one of them will not fail tomorrow. To be safe, include this in your monthly or at the very least quarterly to-do list.

Fix Broken Links ASAP!

Broken links are hyperlinks that lead nowhere on a blog or website. This can occur due to a multitude of factors. Perhaps the link was never completed correctly, causing it to redirect to the incorrect website when clicked. It's also possible that the link pointed to an out-of-date website. Destinations on the internet come and go, and links to other sites may break over time. Whatever the cause of broken links on your site, it's critical to get them fixed as soon as possible.

First Step

To begin with, these links are inconvenient. This applies not only to the site owner but also to the viewer. It's difficult enough to convince people to visit a website in the first place, but keeping them pleased once they're there is the key to attracting the all-important return visitor and subscriber. Users begin to regard your blog or website as an authority over time, and when they notice that it is connecting to another piece, they are curious to learn more. Then they click, and they've taken to a site that has nothing to do with yours, or worse, to the dreadful "Not Found" page. Users may lose faith in the site as a result of this, making them less likely to return or bookmark it.

Second Step

Then there's the fact that these links are embarrassing. They demonstrate that the site's operator does not devote much time to maintenance and improvement. For the user, broken links indicate that the operator hasn't looked at the links in a long time. It's also possible that the connection was never working in the first place. Always double-check a link once it's been published to ensure it's working and going where it's supposed to. A minor mistake in a URL can cause a link to be broken right away.

Final Step

Finally, they dissect navigation. Users can easily go from one section of a blog or website to another by using links. Readers may have a difficult time finding what they're looking for if links are broken.

Periodically examine your site for broken links, and always check links when they are first installed. Make this a regular element of the site's upkeep. It's easy to get caught up in developing content and driving traffic to a website, but correcting broken links is a vital task that needs to be completed to ensure that every visitor has a positive experience. Allowing a broken link to lead to damaged relationships with your site's visitors is not a good idea.